Club Executive
Godfrey Apartments Chair
Past President
Nominating Committee
Foundation Chair
Service Projects Chair
Membership /Fellowship Chair
Appeals Chair
Audit Committee
Citizen of the Year Committee Chair
Environmental Area of Focus Chair
Executive Secretary / Director
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    Enter your email address and the message you want to send.
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    Dinner of the Month Draw!

    Beginning March through August 2025 four tickets per month will be drawn.
    Winning tickets go back into the drum! Increase your odds even more with a discounted five-pack.
    Tickets are $25 each or 5 for $100. 
    Available online here, or from members of the Thornbury-Clarksburg and Meaford Rotary Clubs.
    Participating Restaurants include:
    • The Dam Pub
    • Franny's Mercato
    • The Leeky Canoe
    • Station 87
    • Ted's Range Road Diner
    • Bruce Wine Bar
    • The Corner Cafe & Grill
    • Fabbrica
    • The Bistro at Lora Bay
    • The Mill Cafe
    • The Port Tavern
    • Winifred's English Pub
    Don't miss out! Get your tickets here!
    Coldest Night of the Year 2025

    Coldest Night of the Year 2025

    The Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser, in collaboration with the Meaford Rotary Club, aims to provide essential support to individuals and families in Meaford facing the challenges of poverty. The funds raised will directly support one of United Way Bruce Grey’s core priorities: “From Poverty to Possibility.” This initiative funds programs that tackle food insecurity, utility assistance, homelessness, and the provision of school supplies to students from low-income families, fostering long-term change and hope for a better future.

    This event will help more Meaford residents bridge the gap between their income and the hardships of poverty. Proceeds will also support the Meaford Food Bank and Outreach, the Rotary Thrift Shop, and outreach programs offering mental health and physical support to the community’s most vulnerable.

    Funds raised through the Coldest Night of the Year walk, happening on Saturday, February 22, 2025, will directly benefit vulnerable members of the Meaford community. Join us in making a meaningful difference for those in need right here in Meaford.

    How to Participate:



    Rotary Corner

    Welcome to Rotary Corner, a monthly report to the community from the Rotary Club of Meaford. We want to thank The Meaford Independent for publishing this content in their paper as well.
    Some Meaford Rotarians Preparing for the Scarecrow Parade
    Our club has received the Gold Hero Award from ShelterBox Canada for the club's contribution to their program! ShelterBox provides shelter, essential items and technical assistance to help some of the world’s most vulnerable people recover and rebuild their homes after disaster.
    Check out their website: Disaster Relief: ShelterBox Canada
    Thank you to all who participated in this fall's trivia night.  16 teams participated and over $3000 was raised by the Meaford Rotary Club in support of a youth resource room for the Meaford Public Library.  Congratulations to the 1st place Bookworms and the Best Dressed Saints and Sinners.  
    The Meaford Rotary Club meeting on September 9 gave the members an opportunity to say thank you and a fond farewell to Ken Rodberg and Ken Woods.  Thank you for all of the good work you both did in support of our community and worldwide. 
    The meeting on September 9th also gave the Meaford Rotary Club the opportunity to meet our new district governor Tony Sheard, and his Rotary partner Sylvia.  Thank you to Tony for your inspirational talk about future goals and directions for Rotary International and for our club.
    The Meaford Rotary Club helped the Golden Town Outreach with a barbecue at the steps of the Meaford Hall on a beautiful sunny August 23rd day.  Thank you to all community members who donated to the cause!
    Paul Harris Fellow Awards were given to some very deserving recipients at the Meaford Rotary Club meeting on April 29th.  
    In this picture Meaford Rotary President Bernard Brunner(far left) and District Governor Jim Schlatman (far right) recognize community members Marilyn Morris, Amy Teed-Acres, Mary Soloman, and Dan White with Paul Harris Fellow Awards for their exemplary community contributions. 
    Bernard Brunner and Jim Schlatman recognize Rotary partner Shirley Keaveney, along with Rotarians Elwood Falls and Ken Rodberg as Paul Harris Fellows
    Dave Robinson entertained the Meaford Rotary club with his presentation on cross-Canada cycle touring and the art that it inspired.  Thank you Dave for your presentation, and best wishes in your upcoming tour around the Great Lakes.
    The Rotary Club of Meaford in partnership with the Meaford Chamber of Commerce held the Community Awards Gala last Saturday Night. Rotarians were so pleased once again to honour a Meaford volunteer who has made a significant difference to our community. Helen Crowston, this year's recipient has helped our community through her extensive knowledge of local history, her skill as a piano player, her Goldenaires participation and in so giving of her time at her church. Thank you Helen Crowston for your kindness and dedication.  Helen (left) is pictured receiving her award from Rotarian President-Elect Sonja Glass.
    Congratulations to Emma Chapman and Isaak North on receiving the Rotary Youth Citizen of the Year award for 2018. Emma and Isaak were instrumental in assisting the Georgian Youth Roots Committee apply for Youth Friendly Designation for Meaford.  Isaak and Emma receiving their awards from Meaford Rotary's President-Elect Sonja Glass.
    Online Sales Begin June 10th!
    Thank you in advance to all who support this great and tasty event!
    Our annual spring clean-up is on again!  We hope to see you there on May 4th.
    Hey kids!  The Easter Bunny is coming to Beautiful Joe Park on Saturday, March 30th at Noon.  Please get your adult supervisor to sign you up by clicking on the following link
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    Coldest Night of the Year 2025

    Coldest Night of the Year 2025

    The Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser, in collaboration with the Meaford Rotary Club, aims to provide essential support to individuals and families in Meaford facing the challenges of poverty. The funds raised will directly support one of United Way Bruce Grey’s core priorities: “From Poverty to Possibility.” This initiative funds programs that tackle food insecurity, utility assistance, homelessness, and the provision of school supplies to students from low-income families, fostering long-term change and hope for a better future.

    This event will help more Meaford residents bridge the gap between their income and the hardships of poverty. Proceeds will also support the Meaford Food Bank and Outreach, the Rotary Thrift Shop, and outreach programs offering mental health and physical support to the community’s most vulnerable.

    Funds raised through the Coldest Night of the Year walk, happening on Saturday, February 22, 2025, will directly benefit vulnerable members of the Meaford community. Join us in making a meaningful difference for those in need right here in Meaford.

    How to Participate:



    Rotary Corner

    Welcome to Rotary Corner, a monthly report to the community from the Rotary Club of Meaford. We want to thank The Meaford Independent for publishing this content in their paper as well.
    Some Meaford Rotarians Preparing for the Scarecrow Parade
    Our club has received the Gold Hero Award from ShelterBox Canada for the club's contribution to their program! ShelterBox provides shelter, essential items and technical assistance to help some of the world’s most vulnerable people recover and rebuild their homes after disaster.
    Check out their website: Disaster Relief: ShelterBox Canada
    Thank you to all who participated in this fall's trivia night.  16 teams participated and over $3000 was raised by the Meaford Rotary Club in support of a youth resource room for the Meaford Public Library.  Congratulations to the 1st place Bookworms and the Best Dressed Saints and Sinners.  
    The Meaford Rotary Club meeting on September 9 gave the members an opportunity to say thank you and a fond farewell to Ken Rodberg and Ken Woods.  Thank you for all of the good work you both did in support of our community and worldwide. 
    The meeting on September 9th also gave the Meaford Rotary Club the opportunity to meet our new district governor Tony Sheard, and his Rotary partner Sylvia.  Thank you to Tony for your inspirational talk about future goals and directions for Rotary International and for our club.
    The Meaford Rotary Club helped the Golden Town Outreach with a barbecue at the steps of the Meaford Hall on a beautiful sunny August 23rd day.  Thank you to all community members who donated to the cause!
    Paul Harris Fellow Awards were given to some very deserving recipients at the Meaford Rotary Club meeting on April 29th.  
    In this picture Meaford Rotary President Bernard Brunner(far left) and District Governor Jim Schlatman (far right) recognize community members Marilyn Morris, Amy Teed-Acres, Mary Soloman, and Dan White with Paul Harris Fellow Awards for their exemplary community contributions. 
    Bernard Brunner and Jim Schlatman recognize Rotary partner Shirley Keaveney, along with Rotarians Elwood Falls and Ken Rodberg as Paul Harris Fellows
    Dave Robinson entertained the Meaford Rotary club with his presentation on cross-Canada cycle touring and the art that it inspired.  Thank you Dave for your presentation, and best wishes in your upcoming tour around the Great Lakes.
    The Rotary Club of Meaford in partnership with the Meaford Chamber of Commerce held the Community Awards Gala last Saturday Night. Rotarians were so pleased once again to honour a Meaford volunteer who has made a significant difference to our community. Helen Crowston, this year's recipient has helped our community through her extensive knowledge of local history, her skill as a piano player, her Goldenaires participation and in so giving of her time at her church. Thank you Helen Crowston for your kindness and dedication.  Helen (left) is pictured receiving her award from Rotarian President-Elect Sonja Glass.
    Congratulations to Emma Chapman and Isaak North on receiving the Rotary Youth Citizen of the Year award for 2018. Emma and Isaak were instrumental in assisting the Georgian Youth Roots Committee apply for Youth Friendly Designation for Meaford.  Isaak and Emma receiving their awards from Meaford Rotary's President-Elect Sonja Glass.
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    Welcome to our Club!

    Service Above Self

    We meet In Person
    Mondays at 6:00 PM
    Meaford Hall
    12 Nelson St. East,
    Meaford, ON N4L 1N6
    The club does NOT meet when there is a statutory holiday on that date or on the first Monday of the month. In July and August we meet at members homes. Please email us if you wish to join us!